Commit my Spirit

“Father, into Thy hands I commit My spirit.” — Luke 23:46

The time had finally come. Jesus was about to breathe his last, and he would utter these final declarative words on the cross. He didn’t curse God or express his disappointment with God. He didn’t rebel against him in anger or resentment. He knew all along that the love the Father had for him and the love He had for the Father. The unity within the trinity was intact. There was perfect love and unity. The redemptive plan of salvation from the Triune God had come to perfect fruition.

So, he submitted his Spirit to His Heavenly Father. This was a way of saying that he surrenders His Spirit to God even as he goes through the grip of death. And, He knows with complete confidence that he will be raised to life again. So he is not perturbed or disturbed. Death is not his final state. Neither is it the dead end. The grave is not His final resting place rather the throne of God is His rightful place. So with that trust in the life giving power of the Father, He submits His Spirit to the Father. He had completed the work the Father had sent him to do. He had given of himself fully and in total obedience to the will of the Father. So he can rest assured that His Father has everything else in control.

How do we respond when we realise that we are at the end of our life? Do we rebel, reject or ignore God or do we respond to God in faith, trust and dependence. Do we submit our spirit/soul to the Father knowing that one day our spirit/soul will be reunited to the resurrected body and we will be made whole again rejoicing in the glorious future that awaits us in Christ.

Christ died a shameful death on our behalf. He carried our sins and paid the price for us. He took upon himself the full wrath and judgment of God upon Himself and we received the mercy and forgiveness of God. He reconciled us to the Father through the sinless sacrifice of himself. And we are adopted into His family and are his blood bought children and can call him Abba Father. Our souls can rest assured in our Lord and in his wonderful reconciliatory work on Calvary. Praise be to the Lord Almighty.

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